~ Buckhorn Press ~
Original American Fiction and Nonfiction
Samuel Michael Lemon, Ed.D.
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"Today, people of color are still being prosecuted and incarcerated in numbers far in excess of the population they represent. There is little doubt that the racism that underlined Alexander Williams' execution, is the same racism that haunts America today." -- Verne P. Dalton. & Christine Dalton
​The Case That Shocked the Country -- Verified purchase, Amazon.com
"Sam Lemon has written an extraordinary saga based on real events and real people--his own ancestors, born into slavery in the pre-Civil War South, and their escape to freedom; the historical events that influenced their lives and struggles during that era and immediately afterward; and the courageous people, both white and black, who helped them along the way. It's an absorbing, deeply moving, and inspiring story that reads like a fine novel." -- Craig Bennett
Go Stand Upon the Rock -- Verified purchase, Amazon.com